Julie is more than an interior designer— she is an artist
There is a good reason why you should hire Julie to help you with building or remodeling your home. It is a job that she was literally born to do. It is in her DNA. Design is the family business! Her father was a designer to famous Hollywood actors and producers. Her mother was a model and later started a catering company which gained a large following for her spectacular presentations of food and flowers. Julie’s aunt was a floral designer. Back in the 1800’s her great-grandmother owned a millenary and designed hats. Back then, hats were a person’s signature statement —now it’s your home.
Julie will take the time to find out what you want to experience in your home. She will create a space for you where you feel comfortable and one that reflects who you truly are.
Julie does not have a rubber stamp that she uses on all of her projects. Each one is a new adventure starting with YOU—your wants, your budget and your goals.
Don’t live another day in a home that doesn’t make you happy. Schedule a consultation with Julie today!
A Legacy of Style and Taste
Julie has an intuitive eye for design that was inherited from her father, Richard Assenberg, designer to Hollywood’s elite including Richard Pryor, Michael Keaton, Scott Bakula, Heather Thomas, Patricia Richardson and Ed Zwick.
my Father's Legacy
My dad grew up in the small town of Farmington, Utah and, by a twist of fate, became a designer to Hollywood stars. My father is a true renaissance man. As a young boy, he listened to Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and Dvorak. He began drawing and painting at an early age. In his 20's while selling business supplies, he became friends with the designers and sales staff at Clark-Leaming, a design firm. He chatted with them about music and art and showed them his sketches. The owners of the company recognized his talent and creative genius so they offered him a job.
Years later, my father designed a condo in Park City that grabbed the attention of a Hollywood producer who hired my father to restore his historic mansion near Beverly Hills, CA. From that job, my dad received countless others from famous movie stars, producers and directors. My father was not formally trained, neither am I. I believe that good design cannot be taught. It comes from somewhere deep within your soul.
My Mother's Legacy
My mom was a model in college. She is the essence of style and grace. For many years, my mom owned and operated a successful catering business. Her spectacular presentations of food and flowers gained her a large following in Salt Lake City. I helped her all throughout my young adulthood to earn extra cash. Her sister, my aunt Marva, was a floral designer. I would assist her when she did floral arrangements for weddings. I absorbed a great deal about working with flowers and picked up many tips and trade secrets under her tutelage.
In Nephi, Utah back in the late 1800’s, my great-grandmother, Selena Bell, owned and operated a Millinery. A Millinery is a hat shop. She designed and constructed hats— a woman’s signature statement. Her creations were truly works of art. When designing spaces and planning events, I combine my father’s practical sense and use of high-end art and furnishings with a more feminine, whimsical approach that I inherited from my mom's side of the family.